So here I am again, fallen off the wagon and getting ready to jump back on. Last you heard from me I was still living in vegetarian land, happy and un-puffy. But, that story ended around last October, when fried chicken and pizza got the better of me and I ended up reverting to the diet that originally prompted me to make a change in the first place. I know there are no jeers or loud exclamations of "Loser!" pointed my way, but there's been plenty enough of that in my own head that I've been pushing back for the past couple of months.
I watched the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" when I was in the throes of vegan delight. It's a great documentary, but honestly I didn't give it much thought because:
- It's extreme.
- Who really just juices for 60 days?
- It's extreme. Seriously, dude lost nearly 90 pounds in 60 days.
Then, after New Year's Day 2012, I surprised the dear hubby with a Jack LaLane juicer after the delightful concoctions made out of fresh oranges and carrots we imbibed during our vacation in California. Jason is about as clean an eater as you can get, but he's still crazy enough to want to try the juice fast. So I though, what the hell?
To be honest with you, lately I've been feeling like shit. Stressed out, lazy, and staring at my fat clothes trying to decide if I have the will to live (okay that's a bit dramatic). Fried chicken and pizza may seem like a great idea when it's staring you in the face, but when that stuff goes down your gullet and magically pads your ass, let's be honest and say there's a lot of regret. And is that how I want to live my life...full of guilt and regret (and a big ass)? Hell no.
So I'm gonna try the juice fast and clean eating again. I hate feeling bloated and having bad skin at age 33. It's still an experiment, but maybe this time around I'll actually find a way to make it stick. Wish me luck!
Just so you know, I was checking out your skin during the meeting last week and thinking how nice it is (while also listening to you of course).